Interview questions to check People Smart (EI):
- Have you ever worked with a difficult colleague or boss? How did you handle the situation? By asking the candidate about a difficult work relationship, you will learn if he or she can read situations and people and handle them skilfully.
- How would you describe your personality? Look for how accurately the person describes what you are observing and how introspective he or she is. Smart people generally know themselves and find it interesting to talk about their behavioural strengths and weaknesses. People who seem stumped or surprised by this question might not be terribly smart when it comes to people.
- What do you do that others in your personal life might find annoying? Everyone annoys someone, sometimes. Especially at home. Smart people are not immune to this. But neither are they in the dark about it. And they tend to moderate these behaviours at work.
- What kind of people annoy you the most, and how do you deal with them? What you’re looking for here is the candidate’s self-awareness and self-control. Smart people know their pet peeves, and they own the fact that some of those pet peeves are their own issues. They also know how to deal with annoying people in a productive, constructive way.
- Would your former colleagues describe you as an empathetic person? -OR- Can you give an example of how you’ve demonstrated empathy to a team-mate? The issue is whether the candidate seems to understand what others are feeling. Now, there are certain personality types that are less empathetic than others, and that’s fine. What you’re looking for here is an indication that the person values empathy and whether he or she has an understanding of his or her own strengths or weaknesses in this area.