Free Resources

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Self Assesement

Score your own organisation to see how Healthy it is and where to focus your improvement.

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Business' buy from one another for 6 reasons:
Cost, Quality, Capability, Delivery Performance, Responsiveness and Relationships. How good are you versus your competitors?

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Achieving Ownership & Initiative from the Team.

Do you want more ownership and initiative from your team? Do you know the way to achieve it?

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Things to watch & read

There are some great authors and speakers on and about the subject of Organisational Health. From Patrick Lencioni, through Simon Sinek, Brene Brown and many others. If you find some time to spare have a look at these recommendations.

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The Ideal Team Player

Learn how to use Patrick Lencioni's model and download a free team development exercise to help your teams.

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Leadership Peer Group

If you are a business owner or Managing Director in a Manufacturing or Operational business and open minded about learning from your peers, come along to a free Leadership Peer Group session. 

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